Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Unwrapping of a Year

It's the end of Oh-Nine and Twenty Ten's about to kick-off. What a year.

January 1, 2009 began feverishly. Literally. I was sick in bed, in Thailand. Pretty pathetic really, but where I was wasn't pathetic. I was in Thailand volunteering at an incredible school and orphanage, Yaowawit School. I fell in love with the children and staff. Their hard work and generosity for the kids there is outstanding. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to volunteer with them and to get to know them.

I traveled and volunteered abroad from August 2008 - June 2009. This was an incredible opportunity that I am grateful for. I met some amazing people - ordinary people really, yet with amazing and kind hearts. I also saw some beautiful places. Thailand, Nepal, Indonesia, New Zealand, and even brief border runs to Malaysia, Myanmar, and a lay over in Bangladesh. And of course... the Hong Kong airport which I got to know QUITE well. I also volunteered at a couple other places - 4th World Love and the people of Sembalun, Lombok, Indonesia, being another highlight of the trip!

If you want the full skinny, visit my blog:

Coming home was great. I missed my family and the people I love, the things I'm familiar with, and the small daily things we take for granted. When I left the country, I sold almost everything and put the rest in a small storage unit. I quit my job, rented out my place, found a temporary home for my dog and cat, took a week-long trip with my step-daughter, and said goodbye to my friends and family. I almost didn't get on that plane. I was scared, not the least bit excited as I thought I would be, and wondered if I'd made the right choice. I did.

While things at home aren't quite like they were when I left, I'm incredibly grateful that I took the opportunity to do something I'd thought about for years.

In my early 20's, I didn't have the courage and then well, life happened. I got married, bought a house, had a good job, helped raise my step-daughter, got a dog, was working on my bachelor degree... When divorce came around, I thought about taking the opportunity to leave the U.S. then but decided that "post-divorce time" was not the best time to make that decision. Instead, I improved my job (changed insurance companies to a company I loved), finished my bachelor degree (same month the divorce was final.. and with stelar grades thank you), and bought a condo.

I'd been hankering to get into nonprofit and foster care or international nonprofit work, but didn't know how to make the bridge from working professional to ... well - what I wasn't sure. I took a year to make the decision to go for it. A friend told me once, "wow, you have a lot to lose if you do this." What I thought though was, "yes, but I also have so much to gain." And I was right - so was he - but in the end, I think I've gained more than I've lost.

I gave my dog to the family that took care of him. I don't have a nice job with a cushy income anymore. Some of my old friends have come and gone. I don't have a car so I ride the bus and bike and walk. Oh - and did I mention I lost some weight? Now THAT was an awesome loss. *chuckle.*

What I have though is this. I still have a home to live in and a roommate to help pay the bills. I am in graduate school, working on my masters in public administration and headed for nonprofit management. I'm cofounding a nonprofit, "Spryng," that helps innovative entrepreneurs, launch and connect. I'm learning new ways that I can make a difference in my personal life as well as my professional life. I have phenomenal people in my life who I admire and am grateful for. I have a beautiful, smart and incredible step-daughter. I have friends and family I love. I have experiences and friendships from traveling.

I have so much. While I'm trying to make ends meet (living on financial aid stinks), and looking at internships and maintaining good grades, I remind myself, that this is what I want. There are sacrifices that I want to make to get what I want in my life. I chose this. THAT is amazing. So many people do not have that opportunity.

I am grateful for the opportunity to do what I love, grateful too for the challenges this has presented, and grateful for the better things to come. Like everything else, my life is a gift. This year was a gift. Surprising in many ways, once unwrapped this year was quite different from what it might have looked like last January! But I am grateful. I look forward to unwrapping this next year too.

Much love to you and Happy New Year.

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